Sean Murrells

Sean MurrellsTool & Design Manager

Sean joined Lynar at the beginning of February 2015 bringing his experience in press tool design, jig / fixture design, toolmaking and 3d CAD to the company.

He originally underwent a toolmaking apprenticeship in high speed, high quality press tools whilst obtaining an OND, HNC & HND in Mechanical engineering at college.

After 6 years’ experience as a toolmaker, he was trained in press tool design utilising 2d CAD.

Further experiences in Estimating and Sales helped develop Sean in commercial areas of the pressing business (Such as pricing up tooling).

Eventually going back to tool design, He has been fully trained in Solidworks 3d Computer Aided Design which brings a new dimension to Lynars business.

Sean also looked after a toolroom in previous positions and likes to ensure that production (the core of the business) is fully serviced to help efficient manufacture of pressed parts.